161 KM


Strandbad Kressbronn Address

Adresse: Bodanstraße 67, 88079 Bodenseekreis  In Google Maps öffnen

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Strandbad Kressbronn Experience


Base on 482 Ratings

482 Ratings

Estel Alegret 5 years ago

I came here with my family and it was so much fun! I think the price is worth it if you're planning to stay for the whole day, otherwise it might be a little expensive but I'd go anyway. There are changing rooms, restrooms, lifeguards and two restaurants inside :)

Sources: Google
Alfonso Lopez 5 years ago

Great place to spend a sunny day with the children. They can run free and have many activities at their reach.

Sources: Google
Àlex Alegret 5 years ago

Quiet relaxing and beautiful place, all services you need on a lake beach at an affordable price

Sources: Google
Thomas Recht 4 years ago


Sources: Google
Emmanuelle Barth 5 years ago

Best place ever

Sources: Google

Opening Hours

Mai und September von 09:00 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr
Juni, Juli und August von 09:00 bis 20:00 Uhr

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