18 KM

Willkommen im Familienbad Dachau!

Tauche ein in unsere erfrischende Oase mitten in Dachau! Unser Freibad bietet Spaß und Erholung für die ganze Familie.

Genieße die Sonne auf unserer großzügigen Liegewiese, erfrische dich in unseren sauberen und gepflegten Becken oder sause die Rutschen hinunter für eine Extraportion Spaß!

Bei uns findest du alles, was du für einen perfekten Tag im Freibad brauchst: von Planschbecken für die Kleinsten bis hin zu spannenden Wasserattraktionen für die Großen.

Also schnapp dir deine Badehose und Sonnencreme und komm vorbei! Im Familienbad Dachau wartet ein unvergesslicher Tag auf dich und deine Familie!

Quelle: Google Places

Familienbad Dachau Price Information

Erwachsene 2,50 € | Kinder bis 6 Jahre frei


Familienbad Dachau Address

Adresse: Ludwig-Dill-Straße 58, 85221 Dachau  In Google Maps öffnen

Bist du der Eigentümer von Familienbad Dachau ?

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Familienbad Dachau Experience


Base on 487 Ratings

487 Ratings

Tommy Harden 4 years ago

Great food, prices and people. Take time to enjoy the classical atmosphere

Sources: Google
Donato Capodiferro 4 years ago

Overall gut but very unsatisfied with new strange rules imposed by the Dachau’s major!!! We just got in and we realised we forgot to take from our car the floating swim aids for the children which was just 100 meters away. I explained the situation to the lady behind the counter and she answered that if I go out even for 10 seconds and come back to take my belongings I must pay again the entry because these are the new rules from Oberbürgermeister Mr. Florian Hartmann! There was not way to persuade the lady which made me pay double entry therefore 9 Euro in a matter of 5 minutes time!! I advise Mr. Hartmann and Co. to change the name of the infrastructure from “Familienbad” to “Dachau Lucrative family pool” and it is as usual only about profits.....

Sources: Google
Loise Ramatchandirane 4 years ago

Its so much fun

Sources: Google
Onur Gunduz 5 years ago

Always the best choice on a summer day in Dachau. Includes pool for children as well. It's 50m wide.

Sources: Google
Daniel Ehringer 6 years ago

Enjoyable for families and groups of friends. They have a play area for children, nice areas to lay out, good & drinks can be brought in, there are several options to buy food and drinks inside, they have a slide, a swimming lanes pool, a play area pool, and a diving pool. There are showers and lockers available. There is a parking area for cars and plenty of bike racks.

Sources: Google

Opening Hours

Mitte - Ende Mai 09:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr
Juni - August 08:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
September 09:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr

Additional activities in München

Entdecke weitere tolle Aktivitäten mit Kind und Familie in München